Prerequisites: The person following these steps should have good knowledge of the windows command line interface and must log in with administrator privileges.
You also require Postgres super user password.
Recommended: The update process automatically creates a backup, but we strongly recommend creating a manual backup of eRS database, before proceeding.
1. Open up PowerShell with administrator privileges
2. Stop the service and move the eRS directory
Stop and remove the running eRS service and update the directory structure.
Stop-Service -Name "ers"
(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='ers'").delete()
cd $env:ProgramFiles
Move-Item .\eRS\ers-self-hosted-3.1.0 -Destination .\
Remove-Item eRS
Rename-Item .\ers-self-hosted-3.1.0\ eRS
3. Add the required extension
Update the path variable to include the PSQL bin, and add the "btree_gist" extension
$env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User") + ";$env:ProgramFiles\PostgreSQL\11\bin;$env:ProgramFiles\PostgreSQL\11\lib"
psql -U postgres
\c ers
4. Re-install and start eRS service
cd $env:ProgramFiles\eRS
.\bin\service\service.bat install
Start-Service -Name "ers"
5. Download and execute the update-script
wget -OutFile .\update.ps1
To ensure that you have updated to the latest version, re-run the update script.