A new custom field 'User Single Select' has been added in the system. This field is similar to 'Drop Down Single Select' type of filed, as it also allows selecting a single value from a drop down list, but the values of this field cannot be configured by the administrator, the values are the users that have been added to your eRS Cloud account.
The primary objective of this field is to allow grouping of resources and projects by users accessing the system.
Example Use Case:
John and Adam are two users who have rights to access eRS Cloud account of their organisation. John manages a group of 10 resources whereas Adam manages a group of 12 resources. Administrator can add user single select field in the resource form and give it the name 'Manager'. This field will appear in the profile form of all resources and field drop down list will show John and Adam. John can be selected in the manager field for resources who are managed by John and Adam can be selected in the manager field for resources who are managed by Adam. Apart from being able to organise, filters and view reports by manager, administrator will also be able to define access rights of John and Adam in a way that when John logins he is only able to view and Modify data of his 10 resources whereas Adam is only able to view and modify data of his 12 resources.