What is Sandbox Environment?
In reference to eRS Cloud, it is a separate test account that is completely isolated from the production account. Any changes in test account will have absolutely no impact on any data in production account.
The terms 'sandbox environment', 'test account', 'test environment' are often used interchangeably.
What is the benefit of Sandbox Environment?
It allows testing different configurations, settings, access rights and API integrations before applying them on production account. Especially in case API integrations, sandbox environment becomes very important, as minor errors have the potential to modify or delete large amounts of data, therefore it is strongly advised to test API integrations in a sandbox environment before using on production environment.
Is Sandbox Environment supported?
Following support is provided...
- Users of test account have access to all the support articles and videos that are available to users of production account.
- Account managers can offer advice on how best to configure the account (fields, forms, calendars, views etc.) based on client's requirement. The actual configuration and data entry / import needs to be done by client users.
- Account managers can advise on configuration of user access rights.
- Account managers can provide assistance related to features.
- Technical support engineers can answer queries related to our API documentation.
- Writing and reviewing client's API are NOT within the scope of support, these services are offered on a chargeable basis depending on the scope of integration.
What are the limitations of Sandbox Environment?
Sandbox environment is for testing purposes only, it is not a substitute of production account and therefore is offered at highly discounted price and has the following limitations...
- Test account is only offered to existing clients (have completed all subscription formalities), it is not offered to organisations that are in evaluation stage or in process of completing procurement formalities.
- The maximum number of resources that can be scheduled in test environment are equal to number of resources subscribed in the production account.
- The modules available in test environment are same as the ones subscribed in the production account.
- Maximum 5 users can be added in a test account and user accounts cannot be shared.
- Enbraun Technologies reserves the right to monitor usage pattern (not the data) of test accounts.
- If there is an indication that the test account is being used as a substitute of production account and / or as a separate production account, then Enbraun Technologies reserves the rights to withdraw discounted pricing and charge standard subscription fee.
What is the cost of Sandbox Environment?
Even though test accounts are not used for production purposes, for all technical purposes they are same as production accounts. As they consume server resources, are included in backups, servers are maintained etc. Test accounts are also supported and therefore test accounts incur both technical and personnel cost.
- To cover our cost, we charge an amount equivalent 40% of subscription fee (60% discounted) of production account.
- We understand that test account is usually required for few weeks at a time and then there may be a period when it is not used at all. Thus test account is offered on a monthly basis. Client can use it for minimum 1 month at a time and then deactivate them, so clients don't have to pay for it when it's not in use.
Example: If the monthly subscription fee of production account is USD 100 (in-case of annual subscription, divide total annual fee by 12). So the monthly fee for test account will be USD 40 monthly (40% of USD 100).
- Client can use test account for 1 month (minimum) and then deactivate it for few months before re-activating it.
- Once the trial account is activated (or re-activated), it will remain active for minimum 1 month and minimum 1 month's fee will be charged.
- Test account can remain deactivated for a maximum period of 3 months before it needs to be re-activated for at least 1 month, else the test account will be permanently removed and cannot be recovered.
- The fee for trial account can change depending on subscription fee of production account.
- Payment for test account can only be made via credit or debit card.