Who is an account manager?
Account manager is an individual who provides 1st level support to clients and coordinates between clients and various teams at Enbraun Technologies (ET) i.e technical team, billing team etc.
What are the benefits of account manager support system?
The biggest benefit of this system is personalised support. Clients always get to deal with a real person who is an expert of our system and can understand and answer most client queries.
Over time, a good working relationship buildup between the account manager and client's primary users / account owner, thus account manager is able to advise solutions on the basis of every client's unique configuration and process. This results in continuity of support and clients do not have to explain their configuration, requirements and issues from scratch, every time they reach out for support.
What is included in account manager support?
During evaluation stage:
1. Organise web demo / overview sessions.
2. Discuss & understand requirements of evaluating organisation and advise if and how our application can address those requirements.
3. Answer queries related to different features i.e. configuration, reports, access rights etc.
4. Providing security related information for client's security assessment.
5. Sharing quotes with organisations as per their licensing requirements.
6. Sharing invoices.
7. Payment follow-ups.
During subscription stage:
1. Organising kick-off meeting to discuss in-depth configuration requirements of clients.
2. Making recommendations on how best the application should be configured to address client requirements.
3. Reviewing configuration and suggesting changes, if any.
4. Advising on options to enter / import data in the system.
5. Reviewing the data that has been entered / imported / synced in the system and identifying issues, if any.
6. Organising a web based training session for primary users (maximum 5). This training session is offered on 'train the trainer' model and can be recorded.
7. Ongoing handholding. Answering feature related queries of account owner / primary users.
8. Understanding and conveying client feedback to the technical team.
9. Communicating responses of technical team to the client.
10. Answering queries related to API documentation.
11. Sharing renewal quote and invoice.
12. Renewal payment follow-ups.
What is NOT included in account manager support?
1. Entering or importing data in the system on behalf of client.
2. Training end users and / or providing multiple training sessions.
3. Coordinating with client's end users on a one to one basis.
Note: Account managers only coordinate with client's primary users / account owner. All queries must be routed through client's primary users / account owner. There can be maximum five primary users.
3. Writing API integrations.
4. Preparing client specific training material.
Frequently asked questions related to account manager support:
Q. Do we need to pay extra for account manager support?
A. We do not charge separately for account manager support. Account manager support is valid during the trial phase and till the time subscription is active.
Q. Does every client get a dedicated account manager?
A. We do not offer dedicated account managers, as it is not economical and may lead to underutilisation of our resources. A single account manager could be servicing multiple client accounts.
Q. Do account managers work as per our business hours?
A. Different account managers service clients in different regions. Account managers that are servicing clients in North America are available for majority of working hours in North America. Similarly account managers who are servicing Asia Pacific region are available for majority of working hours in Australia and New Zealand.
Q. Can we reach out to our account manager via phone?
A. To avoid meeting conflicts and time zone related confusion, account managers cannot be directly reached out via phone (not unless scheduled earlier). Clients can email questions to their account managers or / and can schedule web support session using our meeting scheduling system.
Q. Is there a limit on how many times we can reach out to our account manager?
A. Account managers are shared across multiple clients, therefore we have to follow a fair usage policy (shared below). This ensures that our account managers are able to service all our clients effectively.
a. Email correspondence: No limit on the number of emails that can be exchanged with account managers.
b. Web support sessions (Duration 30 minutes): Maximum 2 in a week and not more than 5 in a month.
c. Training session (Duration 2 hours): Maximum one session every year.
Q. What if our account manager is on leave?
A. If an account manager is on leave or unavailable, their existing appointments are transferred to other account managers. Email auto responder is also activated and it provides details of personnel who can be contacted in absence of your account manager.
Q. Can we record web support sessions and training sessions?
A. Yes, in most cases support sessions / training sessions can be recorded, except in cases where certain screens might be shared which contain confidential information or upcoming features which are not yet in the public domain.
Q. If account manager is not available and the system is down, then who should be reach out to?
A. Account managers provide first level support related to features, configuration, reports and user access rights, they are not directly involved with the maintenance of the system.
We have a server maintenance team that is responsible for maintaining our servers / the system, if there is any unplanned outage, you can email support@enbraun.com with cc to your account manager.
Q. What other support options are provided?
A. Clients can raise a support ticket by emailing on support@enbraun.com and can access training / support material in our online support centre.