Different organisations have different requirements, so once the procurement formalities are completed, we advise that you schedule a kick-off meeting with your account manager, so your account manager can advise on appropriate steps for implementation according to your specific requirements.
Alternately, the following steps can be used as a guide for implementation of eRS Cloud.
1. Deciding on what information you want to capture in your resource form, project form and booking form using custom fields. E.g. Skills, Qualifications, Project Manager, Client, Confirmation Status etc.
Note: The information that you capture for your resources, projects and bookings will later on assist you in filtering data, generating reports and defining user access rights.
2. Collecting values for each of the custom fields in CSV. i.e. skill values, qualification values, list of clients, list of project managers etc.
3. Configuring the system. This includes...
3.1 Adding custom fields and importing their values (from CSV sheets prepared in step 2).
3.2 Adding resource and project types as required and designing different forms i.e. resource form, project form, booking form.
3.3 Adding roles.
3.4 Adding working calendars depending on different working pattern of your resources.
3.5 Adding public holidays and applying them on different working calendars.
3.6 Configuring timesheet global setting (if timesheet module is being used).
4. Preparing resource & project import sheet (CSV), so all the resource and project information can easily be imported.
You can also choose to add resources and projects manually or using our open REST API.
5. Importing resources and projects using import sheets.
Note: After importing resources and projects, you should cross check the imported information and if required, make changes manually or using bulk edit.
6. If you are using the financial module, then you can either manually add rates or import them.
7. Configuring user permission sets.
8. Inviting users and mapping them to permission sets.
9. Online training for admin users.
For any support, contact your account manager or email us on support@enbraun.com.