eResource Scheduler Version (14th September 2024)
1. Requirement Form: Administrators can now add custom fields in requirement form and configure placement of custom fields as required. View Related Training Video.
2. Requirement Bar: Administrators can now configure values of custom fields to be visible on the requirement bar. View Related Training Video.
3. Requirement Bar: Administrators can now configure tool tip of requirement bar to show custom fields & values in tool tip. View Related Training Video.
4. Requirement Section: Administrators can now configure requirement chart access rights using custom fields configured in requirement form.
5. Requirement Form: Fields that are common between project form and requirement form can now be linked together, so if the value in project form is updated, the system automatically updates value in the requirement form.
6. Requirement Form: Fields that are common between requirement form and booking form can now be linked together, so if the value in requirement form is updated, the system automatically updates value in the booking form. View Related Training Video.
7. Role Level Cost Rate: Users can now define cost rates at Role level. This will give users an option to view cost figures on financial reports using the rates defined at Role level.
8. Scheduling & Requirement Chart: Users can now use a setting to view rows with or without data on scheduling & requirement chart. View Related Training Video.
9. Billing Status Filter: Users can now filter data on scheduling chart, schedule list, utilisation report and timesheet report, based on booking billing status (billable / non-billable). View Related Training Video.
Note: Only applicable if Financial Module is active.
10. Option to Make Task Mandatory: Administrators now have the option to set the 'task' field as mandatory in both booking form and timesheet form. View Related Training Video.
11. Option to Make Timesheet Comments Mandatory: Administrators will be able to make timesheet comments mandatory. This setting can be defined for all projects or individual projects. Once comments are mandatory, user will have to add comments prior to submitting time-entries. View Related Training Video.
Note: Only applicable if Timesheet Module is active.
12. Password Reset Settings: Administrators can now mandate users to change their passwords regularly. They can set the frequency for password changes, and can also restrict repetition of old passwords. View Related Training Video.
13. Clone Permission Set: Administrators can now create a clone of an existing permission set and tweak it to create a new one. View Related Training Video.
14. Clear Access Rights: Administrators can now quickly clear / reset access rights defined in user profiles and permission sets. View Related Training Video.
15. REST API: Public REST API now allows users to fetch capacity of resources.
16. Other: Minor UI fixes, API fixes, and component updates.
eResource Scheduler Version (17th January 2024)
1. Compact User Interface (UI): We have made some changes to make the UI compact, so as to provide more productive workspace. View details of changes.
2. Role Based Resource Request: This feature allows project managers / authorized users to formally request role based resources within eResource Scheduler, so that qualified resources can be identified and allocated on their projects. Resource coordinators / authorized users can process these requests by identifying qualified resources (using system suggestions) and assigning them against those requests. View overview video.
Videos related to resource request functionality can be viewed in this section.
Note 1: This functionality is part of the 'Scheduling Plus' module. If you are not able to view this functionality, then ensure that you have subscribed to the 'Scheduling Plus' module.
Note 2: To begin with, only the owner & administrator users will be able to view this functionality. Administrators can give access to this functionality to other users by modifying their user permissions. View related video.
3. Requirement Section on Scheduling Chart: A new section has been added on the scheduling chart to facilitate creating and processing of role based resource request.
4. Resource Gap Report: A new report related to resource request feature has been added to help users identify resource shortages (or excess) on different projects. View related video.
5. Capacity Forecast Report: A new report related to resource request feature has been added to accurately forecast capacity of different roles. View related video.
6. REST API: Public REST API allows users to access and update resource requests.
7. Add Resources, Projects and Tasks Directly from Different Forms: Users can now add resource, project and task directly from booking, requirement, and timesheet forms. View related training video.
8. Add, Create & Manage Custom Fields within Forms. View related training video
- Create & Add New Fields from within the Forms: Administrators can now create and add new fields directly from resource, project, booking, and timesheet forms.
- Add New Values in Fields from within Forms: Administrators can now add new values to fields directly from the forms.
- Access Fields Configuration from within the Forms: Field names within the forms are now clickable, allowing direct access to field configuration in the admin section.
- Easy Form Configuration: The 'Configure Form' link has been introduced within forms, providing administrators a quick and direct way to customize forms with ease.
9. Add Roles within Resource Form: Administrators can now add roles directly from the resource form.
10. Enhanced Filters. View related training video
- Search within Filters: Users can search for available filtering options within filters.
- Instant Filters: The data will be filtered instantly, as soon as user selects values. As a result, the 'Apply' button had become redundant and therefore has been removed.
- Reorder Fields in Filters: Users can reorder the filters directly without clicking on the "Reorder" button. As a result, the 'Reorder' button had become redundant and therefore has been removed.
11. View Real-Time Scheduled Effort at Project Level: Users will be able to view real-time scheduled effort at project level on Scheduling Chart. User can choose to view scheduled effort for entire project duration, selected date range or both. Additionally, users can filter projects based on the scheduled effort on the Scheduling Chart. Video related training video.
12. More Information Below Project and Resource Names: Users can now choose to view information from up to 5 fields next to Resource and Project names on Scheduling Chart and in reports. Video related video.
13. Create New Calendar from Resource Form: The 'Create New Calendar' button has been added within the Timings tab of the resource form. Administrators can now easily access the calendar section to create new calendars directly from the form.
14. Filtering on Reports: Now the user can filter planned and actual data on the comparison reports i.e. Planned vs Actual Utilization, Planned vs Actual Availability, Planned vs Actual Financials.
15. Sorting and & Filtering on Reports. View related video.
16. Quick Expand & Collapse: Now users can quickly expand and collapse data at different levels on the scheduling chart and reports. View related video.
17. UI changes on login screen. More simplistic design.
18. Other: Minor UI fixes, API fixes, and component updates.
eResource Scheduler Version (27th February 2023)
1. Custom Rolling Date Range Options: Users can now create rolling date range options as per their own preferences Example: This week + 7 weeks (total 8 weeks rolling period).
Tip: View video in 720 p quality and in full screen.
Click here for more details about his feature.
2. Link Common Fields: Fields that are common between various forms e.g. project form and booking form (or timesheet form) can now be linked together, so if the value in project form is updated, the system automatically updates value in the booking form.
Tip: View video in 720 p quality and in full screen.
Click here for more details about his feature
3. Import Data Using an Excel File: Earlier users could only import data using CSV files. Now users can directly import data using an excel file.
4. Zoom Levels: Easily and accurately define zoom levels on scheduling chart to control column width and visible details.
5. Hour view on Scheduling Chart: In this view, every column represents an hour. User can choose to turn on minor grid lines to view 15 minute intervals for more granular bookings. This view is convenient for creating and managing shorter intra-day bookings.
Tip: View video in 720 p quality and in full screen.
6. Month view on Scheduling Chart: In this view, every column represents a month. User can choose to turn on minor grid lines to view day level break-up. This view is convenient for long duration bookings.
Tip: View video in 720 p quality and in full screen.
7. Recurring bookings: To easily create bookings that repeat as per fixed pattern, user can now define a repeat / recurrence pattern while creating a booking (i.e. daily, weekly monthly etc.). This is extremely convenient for creating and editing repetitive bookings.
Tip: View video in 720 p quality and in full screen.
8. View Level Screen Settings: With the introduction of 'Hour' and 'Month' view on scheduling chart, now users can define screen setting according to the view.
Tip: View video in 720 p quality and in full screen.
9. Booking Effort Units Removed: Effort units 'Hours Per Day' and 'Time Per Day' have been removed. With the introduction of repeat / recurring feature, these effort units had become redundant.
Example: Now if user wants to schedule a resource for 2 hours daily for next 5 days, then the following repeat pattern can be used.
10. Export resource availability with bookings on Scheduling Chart: Users can now export available hours of resources while export data from scheduling chart.
11. Default booking unit: Administrators can now define the default booking unit from Administration >> Scheduling.
12. Color at resource type and project type level: Administrators can define color at 'resource type' and 'project type level'. These colors can be used to easily distinguish bookings.
13. New progress percentage calculation method on the timesheet approval screen: Users can now choose if progress percentage should be calculated using 'Capacity' or 'Scheduled Hours'. This option is available in screen settings of timesheet approval screen.
14. Show the date with “Split” option on Scheduling Chart: Users can now split bookings easily and more accurately than ever as split option now shows date / time information.
15. Show the date in milestone description on Scheduling Chart: Users can now click on the milestone to see the description and date information in its tooltip.
16. Order of bookings when overlapped on Scheduling Chart: Overlapped bookings will now be visible as per their start date / time. It will help users to better understand the chronology of bookings.
17. Timesheet Approval Screen: Resource's scheduled hours will also be visible next to capacity and logged hours. User will be able to filter scheduled hours using project filters.
18. Timesheet Approval Screen: Select multiple resources or projects and approve or reject all their time entries at one go.
19. ‘Organize By’ Options: Now multiple groupings can be used to create data organizing options.
Example: If you have grouped resources by their managers, city and country, then earlier following options could be created...
a. Country – Resource – Project
b. City – Resource – Project
c. Manager – Resource – Project
Each option only has single grouping of resource.
Now, multiple groupings can be used in single ‘Organize By’ option…
a. Country – City – Resource – Project
b. City – Manager – Resource – Project
c. Country – City – Manager – Resource
Every option can have multiple groupings of resource, this allows viewing data in detail at every level…
20. Reports: While exporting reports, now users can choose multiple resource and projects fields that will get exported along with the reporting numbers, this allows for enhanced post export analysis and filtering.
21. Exported fields will get automatically saved in browser cache and will be pre-selected when the user opens the export window next time.
22. Re-order fields while exporting to CSV from the scheduling chart, schedule list and reports.
23. Users can choose different formats for 'Date & Time' fields while exporting data to CSV.
24. Booking Chart: Booking bar will be visible at all levels below Resource and Project.
25. Tooltip: Organize by dropdown on the scheduling chart and reporting screens now have tooltips.
26. Approval Screen: Name wrapping allows viewing full Resource and Project names, even if they are long.
27. 'eRS Cloud' is the short-form of 'eResource Scheduler Cloud'. From now on, we will be referring to our application as 'eResource Scheduler' only.
28. We have a new logo for eResource Scheduler.
29. Lock Timesheet: New 'Lock Timesheet' feature has been introduced, it allows locking timesheet entries using multiple options.
30. Export Date & Time Field Value in Different Formats: Users can now choose different formats for 'Date & Time' field while exporting values to CSV.
31. Utilisation using rest API: Public REST API now allows users to get utilisation of resources and projects.
32. Calculated Hrs in Booking: In rest API 'Calculated Hrs' will represent booking effort in hours, irrespective of the original effort unit.
33. Optimise Timesheet Import: Timesheet import functionality has been optimised, now users will be able to import timesheet entries faster and for longer duration.
34. Two Factor Authentication (2FA): In addition to SSO, now 'Authentication Plus' module also offers 2FA using Time based One Time Password (TOTP) as an additional user authentication option.
35. Configurable Booking Bar Tooltip: Administrators can configure information visible on booking bar tooltip.
36. Custom Field Value Next to Resource & Project Names: Users can now choose to view value of custom field of their choice next to resource and project names on scheduling chart and reports. Watch Training Video.
37. Open Resource & Project Related Data Directly from Scheduling Chart: Resource and project names can be made links that allow opening different screens / reports pre-filtered according to a resource or a project. Watch Training Video.
38. Enhanced Filters: Users can filter data based on IDs on different screens.
39. Access Control to Restrict Organize Options: Administrators can restrict users from creating user defined data organizing options on different screens. Administrators can restrict this from user profile.
40. Show / Hide System IDs: Administrators can configure visibility of system IDs from 'General Settings' tab in administration section.
41. Access Rights related to Dashboard Screen: Now Administrators can define if a users should have access to the Dashboard or not.
42. Enhanced Timesheet Export Date Range: Multiple date range options are available while exporting timesheet data from 'Entry' screen.
43. Effort Hrs column on Schedule List: 'Effort Hrs' column introduced on Schedule List. This column always shows booking effort in hours, irrespective of the original effort unit. User can use on screen settings to make this column visible.
44. More fields on Booking Bar: Administrators can configure up to 10 fields / icons to be visible on the booking bar.
45. Tooltip: Role widget on the dashboard now has tooltip.
46. Authentication Plus Module: New module has been introduced to eRS Cloud allowing Single Sign-On (SSO), in addition to the existing login method.
47. User Link with Permission Set: Now users can be linked to a permission set. If the administrator makes any changes to a permission set, those changes will automatically get applied on all the users linked to that particular permission set.
48. User Import & Export: Ability to Import users with or without linked permission sets using CSV import. Users can also be exported to CSV.
49. User Multi Select Field: A new custom field (user multi select) has been introduced. It allows selecting multiple users from a drop down list. eRS Cloud users will be listed in this field and this will allow mapping of resources, projects and bookings to multiple users.
50. Import & Export of Phases & Milestones: Now users can add phases and milestones using CSV import. Phases and milestones can also be exported to CSV.
51. Phase & Milestone using rest API: Public REST API now allows users to access and update phases and milestones for any Project.
52. Authentication Settings in Administration Section: Administrators can configure SAML SSO for their eRS Cloud account.
53. Resource & Project Update using eRS ID: While updating resources and projects using import feature, now users can use eRS ID for unique match.
54.Save User and Send Invitation Later: While adding users (using import or manual add) administrator can now save user information before sending invitation to user.
55. Human & Non-Human Resource Filter on Dashboard: New human and non-human filter has been provided on Dashboard widgets.
56. Other: Minor UI fixes, API fixes, and component updates.